If you are no longer 29 but still want to look and feel like you are 29…..I hear ya!
When the bloodwork comes back saying that you are in PERIMENOPAUSE or that your hormones are out of balance or that your cortisol is high or your estrogen is off……but you don’t want to accept that….well here are some tips that worked for me below. In a short time I was able to hit a snooze button on my OB/GYN’s forecast of perimenopause with these following as I call them HACKS so you too can look in the mirror and see that 29 year old you staring back!
Recent before got hormones under control - I was inflamed and bloated looking.
After - did the tricks in this blog post and with some weight training and feeling and looking less bloated
First go get the book, WOMEN FOOD HORMONES by Sara Gottfried. It had so much insight and at the end fantastic recipes! I made the Pumpkin KETO Custard and it is like eating a pumpkin pie with zero guilt!
linked below to specific ones I listened to for help:
Dr. Mark Hyman and Sara Gottfried
Skinny Confidential (it was about her losing pregnancy weight but a lot of the holistic approaches work for anyone wanting to lose weight)
I added these three to my daily ritual-
DHEA with Pregnenolone
I was already taking daily:
Quericitin with Bromeline
Add these to your arsenal too:
16 Hour Fast then do fasted cardio of 20 minutes in morning before eating breakfast
I like the app ZERO to track fasts and to be held accountable to not eat before the 16 hours is up.
Track calories in and out with MYFITNESSPAL app
Use MCT OIL with Collagen in my morning coffee to not break fast and keep me feeling satiated.
Acupuncture - I go to a legit Eastern Medicine acupuncturist who looks at my tongue before my treatment to see what my body needs. She also prescribed some Chinese herbs to help kick my metabolism into high gear. I am linking my “girl” Dr Yarong Wang who is outstanding!
Drink Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV with the Mother) - I drink 2 TBSP ACV with cayenne pepper and lemon juice with hot water
Puerh Tea
Goli with Ashwaganda (Blue gummies) help with sleep
Super hot Epsom Salt bath
Weight lifting
Guided meditation
Wim Hoff breathing
No ALCOHOL (to reset hormones and also is empty calories and disrupts sleep)
It is my hope that if this helps even just one woman from feeling like she was losing her mind (and 29 forever life), then this writing when I should be watching Hallmark on the couch is worth it!
PS - I am not a doctor and these are only tips that worked for me. My advice - be the advocate for your health and your body. Do the research. See what works for YOU!